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La Bulloneria Emiliana S.r.l. commercializza oltre 80.000 articoli unificati di cui circa il 60% pronti a magazzino, oltre ai particolari realizzati a disegno su specifiche tecniche fornite dal cliente.
La gamma dei prodotti é vastissima e varia da bulloni a testa esagonale di diametro 52 fino a micro viti di m1.

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Nylon Inox
Nylon Inox
Nylon Inox

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Long lifting eye bolts with treaded bore 2948 -   M8 / M48
Hexagon socket set screws with cup point 4029 5929 916   M1,6 / M20
Slotted pan head tapping screws 1481 6951 7971 A2 2,2 / 6,3
Threaded rods - 975 A2 - A4 M3-M36 / M3-M30
Plain washers primarily for hexagon bolts and nuts 6592 125 A Nylon ø1 / ø60
double tap washers 1746 - R 40 ø5 / ø33
spring lock washers - - R 120 ø3 / ø24
conical spring washers for screws assembles - 6796 C 60 Ø3 / Ø30
spherical washers conical seats - 6319 D C 50 Ø8 / Ø30
countersunk serrated lock washers 8842 V 6798 V R 150 Ø3 / Ø12
Hexagon nuts 5589 936 8 M5 / M60
Thin square nuts - 929 Fe M3 / M10
- 7967   M4 / M30
cup springs - 2093 R 150 Ø3,2 / Ø250
threaded inserts with countersunk - - CB 4 FF M3 / M10
hexagon socket set screws with flat point 4026 5923 913 14.9 - 45H M1,6 / M24
hexagon socket countersunk head cap screws 5933 7991 10.9 - 12.9 M3 / M20
hexagon socket set screws with dog point 4028 5925 915 14.9 - 45H M1,6 / M24
hexagon socket set screws with cone point 4027 5927 914 14.9 - 45H M1,6 / M24
hexagon socket set screws with cup point 4029 5929 916 14.9 - 45H M1,6 / M24
countersunk hexagon chamfered plugs thread NPTF DRY SEAL - - 12.9 1/16 / 1 1/4
high-streght large hexagon bolts for structural engineering 5712 6914 10.9 M12 / M30
chemfered plain washerrs for hig-streght bolts structural engineering 5714 6916 R 80 Ø12 / Ø30
channel clamping plates for hig-strenght bolts 5716 6918 R 80 Ø12 / Ø30
taper pins 2339 129 1 R 50 Ø1,5 / Ø20
hexagon weld nuts - 929 C 21 M3 / M12
cup square bolts with hexagon nut 8677 5732 603 4.8 M5 / M12
hexagon flange bolts - 6921 8 M5 / M12
cross pan head tapping screws 7049 6954 7981 C 15 2,2 / 6,3
recessed raised countersunk oval head tapping screw 7051 6956 7983 C 15 2,2 / 6,3
hexagonal head tapping screws 1479 6949 7976 C 15 3,5 / 6,3
hexagon socket head tapping screws - - C 15 4,8 / 6,3
mushroom head screws for window frames - - C 15 4,2 / 5,5
round head tapping rivets 7346 - C 15 1,5 / 3,5
U clamps, naval type - - 4A M5 / M64
turnbuckles - - 4.6 M6 / M48
coupling nuts - - 4.6 M6 / M56
hexagon socket head cap screws 4762 5931 912 8.8 - 10.9 - 12.9 M1,6 / M56
hexagon socket set screws with dog point 4028 5925 915 A2 M3 / M12
hexagon head bolts 4014 5737 931 A2 - A4 M3 / M3
recessed raised countersunk head screws 7047 7689 966 A2 - A4 M2,5-M8 / M2,5-M6
slotted cheese head screws 1207 6107 84 A2 - A4 M1-M8 / M1,6-M8
plain washers primarily for hexagon bolts and nuts 6592 125A Nylon 1 / 60
cross recessed countersunk oval head tapping screws 7050 6955 7982 A2 2,2 / 6,3
serrated internally lock washers 8842J 6798J A2 A2 Ø2 / Ø20
haxagon head screws 4017 5739 933 OT 58 M3 / M20
slotted cheese head screws 1207 6107 84 OT 58 M1 / M8
hexagon nuts 5589 936 OT 58 M3 / M24
wings nuts 5548 315 OT 58 M3 / M20
hexagon domed cap nuts 5721 1587 OT 58 M3 / M20
hexagon head screws 4017 5739 933 Nylon M3 / M16
hexagon domed cap nuts 5721 1587 Nylon M3 / M16
square washers 6596 436 100 HV 5 / 52
spring washers 1751A 127B R 120 2 / 52
spring washers for socket head cap screws - - R 150 Ø1,6 / Ø36
slotted round nut for hook-spanner - 981 5S / 300
washer for lock ring nuts - - R 40 / 300
nuts locking cup spring for bolts assemblies - - R 150 Ø6 / Ø20
retaining rings - - C 60 Ø1,5 / Ø30
retaining washer - - C 60 Ø1,5 / Ø45
retaining washer - - C 60 Ø3 / Ø12
special shape slipt pins - - C 60 Ø2 / Ø8
Hexagon socket thin head cap screws - - 8.8 - 12.9 M3 / M12
Hexagon socket screws keys 2936 6753 911 10.9 - 14.9 M0,9 / M19
Hexagon head screws 4017 5739 933 8.8 - 10.9 M3 / M48
Hexagon head bolts 8676 5740 961 8.8 - 10.9 M8 / M48
countersunk hexagon chamfered plugs pipe thread gas - 12.9 1/8 / 1 1/2
stud bolts 6610 976 B GR. B7 su misura / su misura
Threaded rods - 975 GR. B7 M3 / M6
reduced square head screws with flat point 6050/A 479 R 50 M5 / M18
Reduced square head screws with dog point 6050/B 479 R 50 M5 / M18
Reduced square head screws with cone point 6050/C 479 R 50 M5 / M18
Slotted headless set screws with cone point 4766 6113 551 R 50 M2,5 / M12
Slotted headless set screws with dog point 7435 6115 417 R 50 M2,5 / M12
Slotted headless set screws with cone point 7434 6117 553 R 50 M2,5 / M12
Taper pins with thread and costant threaded part 7286 7977 R 50 Ø5 / Ø20
Taper pins with internal thread 7284 7978   Ø6 / Ø25
Hexagon thin nuts, with metric fine pitch thread 5589 936 8 M8 / M60
Hexagon cup nuts 2733 - 5S M8 / M12
Hexagon head pipe plug 4014 5739 933 4.8 M3 / M12
Hexagon screws and bolts with hexagon nuts 5278 601 4.8 M12 / M20
Hexagon head bolts for structural steel bolting for supply with nut - 7990 5.6 M12 / M30
Counters flat square bolts with hex nut for farm machines 6104 - 4.6 M10 / M16
Countersunk flat NIB bolts hex. nut for farm machines 6105 604 4.6 M10 / M16
Hexagon head tapping screws 1479 6949 7976 C 15 3,5 / 6,3
Hexagon socket countersunk head cap tapping screws - - C 15 3,5 / 5,5
dry-wall screws - - C 15 3,5 / 3,9
dry-wall screws, flat bugle head - -   3,5 / 3,5
swage shape recessed countersunk flat tapping screws 8113 - C 15 M2,5 / M6
recessed pan head self-drilling screws 8118 7504N C 15 M2,9 / M6,3
Threaded rods - 975 4.8 M3 / M60
Threaded rods - - 4.8 M6 / M30
Threaded rods fine thread - - 4.8 M8 / M30
Clamps for steel cables - - 4A M4 / M50
Hexagon socket head cap screws 4762 5931 912 A2 - A4 M1,4 / M24
Slotted countersunk flat head screws 2009 - 963   M1,6-M12 / M1,6-M10
Slotted countersunk head tapping screws 1482 6952 7971 A2 2,2 / 6,3
Cross recessed raised countersunk oval head tapping screws 1483 6953 7973 A2 2,2 / 6,3
cross recessed pan head tapping screws 7049 6954 7981 A2 2,2 / 6,3
spring lock washers with square ends 1751 A 127 B   Ø2 / Ø30
hexagon head screws 4017 5739 933 OT 58 M3 / M20
threaded rods - 975 OT 58 M2 / M30
Hexagon socket head cap screws 4762 5931 912 Nylon M6 / M10
threaded rods - 975   M5 / M16
washers with right angle taps 1747 463 R 40 ø5 / ø36
external tap washers 6599 432 R 40 ø3 / ø80
spring lock washers with square ends - 7980 R 120 Ø3 / Ø24
sping washers - 128 A R 150 Ø2 / Ø36
spring washers 137 A/137B R 150 Ø1,2 - Ø10 / Ø2,5 - Ø20
wave spring lock washers 8839 B 128 B R 150 Ø4 / Ø16
spherical washers conical seats - 6319 G C 50 Ø8 / Ø30
internal/external serrated lock washers 8842 V 6798 V R 150 Ø3 / Ø12
serrated externally lock washers extra large - - R 150 Ø3 / Ø12
cup springs for ball bearing - -   Ø6,2 / Ø358
threaded inserts with cylindrical head - - CB 4 FF M3 / M10
steel threaded inserts - - CB 4 FF M3 / M10
blind rivets 9200 A 7337 A Al - Cu - Fe 2,4 / 3-6 / 3-4 / 7,8 / 6,4 / 4,8
blind rivets - - Al 3,2 / 4,8
grease nipples 7633 A - 9 SmnPb 28 - Al - OT 58 6-1 / 4
grease nipples 45° 7663 B - 9 SmnPb 28 - Al - OT 58 6-1 / 4
grease nipples 90° 7663 C - 9 SmnPb 28 - Al - OT 58 6-1 / 4
regular hose clamps - 3017 - Ø8 - Ø12 / Ø180 - Ø200
Slotted cheese head screws 1207 6107 84 OT 58 M1 / M8
Hexagon head self-drilling screws with collar 8117 7504 K C 15 2,9 / 6,3
Eye stay rods 6058 444 4.6 M6 / M30
Lifting eye bolts 3266 2947 580 4A M6 / M100
Lifting eye nuts - 582 4A M6 / M64
Thimbles - - Fe M3 / M26
Hexagon socket countersunk head cap screws 5933 7991 A2 - A4 M2 / M20
Hexagon socket set screws with cone point 4027 5927 914 A2 M2 / M20
Hexagon head screws 4017 5739 933 A2 - A4 M2.5 / M30
Hexagon nuts 5587 - A2 - A4 M3 / M42
Hexagon nuts 5588 934 A2 - A4 M1 / M42
Hexagon nuts 5589 936 A2 - A4 M3 / M42
Wing nuts 5548 315 A2 - A4 M3 / M16
Prevailing torque-type hexagon nuts with polyamide ring 7473 982 A2 M4 / M24
prevailing torque-type hexagon nuts with polyamide ring 7474 985 A2 M3 / M24
Recessed raised cheese head screws 7045 7687 7985 A2 - A4 M1.6-M8 / M2-M8
Recessed countersunk head screws 7046 7688 965 A2 - A4 M2-M10 / M2-M6
Slotted raised countersunk oval head screws 2010 - 964 A2 - A4 M2-M10 / M3-M6
Cross recessed raised countersunk oval head tapping screws 7051 6956 7983 A2 2.2 / 6.3
serrated externally lock washers 8842 A 6798 A A2 Ø2 / Ø20
Plain washers primarily for hexagon bolts and nuts 7089 6592 125 A A2 - A4 Ø1-Ø36 / Ø1,6-Ø36
Plain washers large series 7093 6593 9021 A2 Ø3 / Ø20
Retaining rings for shafts 7435 471 INOX Ø5 / Ø100
Retaining rings for bores 7437 472 INOX Ø8 / Ø100
Retaining washers for shafts 7434 6799 INOX Ø1,5 / Ø15
Split pins 1234 1336 94 A2 Ø1 / Ø8
Spring type straight pins, slotted heavy type 8752 6873 1481 INOX Ø1 / Ø10
Lifting eye bolts 3266 2947 580 A2 M6 / M24
Slotted countersunk flat head screws 2009 - 963 OT 58 M1 / M8
Slotted raised countersunk head screws 2010 6107 964 OT 58 M2,5 / M6
Hexagon nuts 5587 - OT 58 M3 / M24
Hexagon nuts 5588 934 OT 58 M1 / M24
Plain washers primarily for hexagon bolts and nuts 6592 125 A OT 58 Ø 1,6 / Ø 30
Hexagon socket head screws UNC thread - - 12.9 1/4” / 1”
Hexagon socket set screws with flat point 4026 5923 913 A2 M1,6 / M20
Slotted cheese head screws 1207 6107 84 Nylon M3 / M10
Slotted countersunk flat head screws 2009 - 963 Nylon M3 / M8
Hexagon nuts 5588 934 Nylon M3 / M16
Domed cap nuts 5721 1587 A2 M3 / M20
Plain washers large series 7093 6593 9021 100 HV Ø 2,5 / Ø 36
Washers - - 100 HV Ø 5 / Ø 45
Chamfered washers for screws 1734 - 100 HV Ø 4 / Ø 52
Washers 1739 - 100 HV Ø 2 / Ø 10
Washers for rivets 1749 - 100 HV Ø 3 / Ø 20
Chamfered washers for pins 1750 - 100 HV Ø 3 / Ø 45
Washers primarily for hexagon bolts and nut 7089 6592 125 A 100 HV Ø 1 / Ø 52
Plain washers primarily for cheese head screws 7092 6592 433 100 HV Ø 1,6 / Ø 12
Washers for structural engineering - 9021 100 HV Ø 10 / Ø 33
Channel clamping plates for UPN sections 6598 434 R 40 Ø 8 / Ø 33
Tab washers with long tap 6600 93 R 40 Ø 3 / Ø 52
Rectangular tab washers 6601 - R 40 Ø 3 / Ø 52
Conical spring washers for screws assemblies - - C 60 Ø 3 / Ø 30
Washers for clamping devices - 6340 C 50 Ø 6 / Ø 30
Conical knurled locking tooth “contact” washers - - C 60 Ø 3 / Ø 20
Conical knurled locking “contact” washers - - C 60 Ø 3 / Ø 20
Spherical washers conical seats - 6319 C C 50 Ø 8 / Ø 30
Washers-packings - - Al - Cu Ø 5 / Ø 50
Lock washers with external teeth 3703 6797 R 150 Ø 3 / Ø 24
Lock waschers with internal teeth 3704 - R 150 Ø 3 / Ø 24
Lock washers serrated externally 8842 A 6798 A R 150 Ø 2 / Ø 30
Serrated internally lock washers 8842 J 6798 J R 150 Ø 2 / Ø 30
Serrated internally lock washers extra large - - R 150 Ø 3 / Ø 10
Washers for countersunk head screws 6594 - Fe Ø 2,5 / Ø 7
Short metal end studs 5909 938 5.8 M5 / M20
Medium metal end studs 5911 - 5.8 M5 / M20
Long metal end studs 5914 853 5.8 M5 / M20
Medium metal end studs - 939 5.8 M5 / M20
Hexagon nuts type 2 4033 - 8 M5 / M35
Hexagon nuts type 1 4032 - 8 M1 / M60
Hexagon thin nuts 4035 - 8 M1 / M60
Hexagon nuts type 2 with metric fine pitch thread 8674 - 8 M8 / M60
Hexagon nuts type 1 with metric fine pitch thread 8673 - 8 M8 / M60
Hexagon nuts, with metric fine pitch thread 8675 - 8 M8 / M60
Hexagon nuts 5587 - 8 M1 / M60
Thick hexagon nuts fine thread 5587 - 8 M8 / M60
Hexagon nuts 5587 939 8 M1 / M60
Thick hexagon nuts fine thread 5588 934 8 M8 / M60
Hexagon nuts 5588 934 8 M1 / M60
Hexagon nuts fine thread 5588 934 8 M8 / M60
Hexagon nuts UNC thread - - - 1/4” / 1”
Hexagon nuts UNF thread - - 8 1/4” / 1”
Prevailing torque-type hex. nuts with polyamide ring 7473 982 5S M3 / M48
Prevailing torque-type hexagon nuts with polyamide ring fine thread 7473 982 5S M8 / M48
Slotted round nut for hook-spanner with nylon insert - - R 50 KM0 / KM40
Retaining rings for shafts 7435 471 R 150 Ø 3 / Ø 300
Retaining rings for bores 7437 472 R 150 Ø 8 / Ø 600
Retaining washers for shafts 7434 6799 R 150 Ø 1,2 / Ø 24
Spring type straight pins, slotted heavy type 8752 6873 1481 R 150 Ø 1 / Ø 50
Lifting eye nuts - 582 A2 M6 / M24
Spring type straight pins, standard duty 8750 6875 7343 R 150 Ø 1 / Ø 16
Split pins 1336 94 3.6 Ø 1 / Ø 13
Parallel keys 6604 A 6885 A C 40 2x2 / 45x25
Wooddruff keys 6606 6888 C 40 1,5x2,6 / 10x16
Hexagon socket head screws with ground shalt and threaded end - - 12.9 M5-6 / M20-24
Hexagon socket oval head screws 7380 - 10.9 M3 / M12
wing screws   /
forks pins 4.8 4 / 16
fork clips C72 /
forks 4.8 4 / 16
slotted cheese head with washers 7687 7985 4.8 3 / 10
sliding nut C 40 4 / 12
welding stud Cu 3 / 10
hexagonal spacer male/female 4.8 M3 / M10
self drilling screws 8118 7504N A2 2,9 / 6,3
truss head square neck screws 603 A2 4 / 16
screws for plastic 1412 A2 1,5 / 8
hexagonal head self tapping screws 1479 6949 7976 A2 2,9 / 6,3
7505A A2 2,5 / 6
slotted cheese head 7045 7687 7985 Nylon M2 / M10
expanding rivet Nylon 4 / 8
coverscrew   /
bush Nylon 2 / 24
hexagon socket oval head screws 7380 A2 M3 / M12
slotted cheese head screw screwdriver A2 M3 / M12
8 M3 / M16
thumb screws 4.8 M3 / M8
self drilling screws countersunk head cross recess 8118 7504 P C 15 2,9 / 6,3
square nuts weld projection 928 6 M3 / M12
screws weld projection 4.8 4 / 10
nuts welding projection 929 A2 M3 / M12
Parallel pins hardened 8734 6364 A 6325 R 220 Ø1 / Ø20
Parallel pins with internal thread hardened 8735 6364 B 7979 R 220 Ø4 / Ø25
Self locking counter nuts 980 7967 C 70 M4 / M30
Slotted raised countersunk head screws 2010 - 964 4.8 M2 / M10
Hexagon head tapping screws with collar 6950 - C 15 3.5 / 6.5
Tapping screws for nylon - - 10.9 1.8 / 5
Tapping screws for nylon - - 10.9 2.2 / 5
Cross recessed countersunk head chipboard screws - 7505 A C 15 2.5 / 6
Cross recessed raised countersunk head chipboard screws - 7505 C C 15 2.5 / 6
Hexagon washer head wood screws for roofing - - C 15 6,3 / 6,3
Hexagon head wood screws 704 571 A2 - A4 6 / 12
Swage shape recessed pan head tapping screws 8112 - C 15 M2.5 / M6
Countersunk hexagon chamfered plugs thread NPTF LEVL SEAL - - 12.9 1/16 / 1/ 1/4
Large pan head screw whith slot and cross recess - - -   M1.6 / M6
Slotted countersunk flat head tapping screws 1482 6952 7972 C 15 2.2 / 6.3
Cross recessed pan head chipboard screws - 7505 B C 15 2.5 / 6
Swage shape recessed countersunk oval tapping screws 8114 - C 15 M4 / M6
Swage shape hexagon head tapping screws 8110 - C 15 M4 / M8
Hexagon socket head screws fully threaded 5931 912 8.8 - 12.9 M3 / M12
Hexagon socket thin head cap screws 9327 7984 8.8 M3 / M24
Short metal end studs 5909 938 8.8 M6 / M36
Medium metal end studs 5911 - 8.8 M5 / M22
Medium metal end studs fine thread 5912 - - M10 / M24
Long metal end studs 5914 835 8.8 M6 / M36
Medium metal end studs - 939 8.8 M6 / M36
Hexagon head bolts 4014 5737 931 8.8 - 10.9 M4 / M64
Hexagon head bolts 8765 5738 960 8.8 - 10.9 M8 / M24
Hexagon bolts UNC thread - - 8.8 1/4 / 1
Hexagon bolts UNF thread - - 8.8 1/4 / 1
Hexagon flange bolts - 6921 8.8 M4 / M20
Hexagon nuts 4033 5587 - 10 - GR. 2H M6 / M60
Hexagon nuts fine thread 8674 5587 - 10 - GR. 2H M6 / M60
Hexagon nuts 4032 5588 934 10 M6 / M60
Hexagon nuts fine thread 8673 5588 934 10 M6 / M60
Hexagon nuts 4035 5589 936 10 M6 / M60
Hexagon nuts fine thread 8675 5589 936 10 M6 / M60
Heavy hexagon nuts ASTM UN - - GR. 2H 1/4 / 2
Wing screws 5449 316 4.8 M3 / M16
Taper pins with thread and costant taper lenght 7285 258 R 50 Ø5 / Ø20
Parallel pins 2338 1707 7 R 70 Ø1 / Ø30
Slotted and castle hexagon nuts 5593 935 5S M6 / M48
Slotted and castle hexagon nuts fine thread 5594 979 5S M6 / M48
Slotted and castle low hexagon nuts 5594 979 5S M6 / M48
Slotted and castle hexagon nuts fine thread 5593 935 5S M6 / M48
Thin square nuts 5593 562 Fe M3 / M10
Domed cap nuts 5721 1587 5S M3 / M20
Hexagon cap nuts 2733 1587 5S M8 / M12
Prevailing torque-type hexagon nuts with polyamide ring fine thread 7474 985 5S M8 / M48
Prevailing torque-type hex. nuts with polyamide ring 7474 985 5S M3 / M48
Slotted and castle hexagon nuts - 980 8 M4 / M24
Hexagon nuts with serrate flange 4161 - 6923 8 M3 / M12
Square caged nuts - - 6 M3 / M12
Hexagon socket pipe plugs - 908 5.8 1/8-2 / 8-52
Hexagon head pipe plug with vent - 910 5.8 10-52 / 1/8-2
Hexagon head pipe plug - 7604 5.8 10x01 / 52x1,5
Haxagon socket pipe plug with gasket - - 5.8 10x1-48x2 / 1/8-1 1/2
Slotted cheese head screws 1207 6107 84 4.8 M1.6 / M16
Slotted countersunk flat head screws 2009 - 963 4.8 M1.6 / M16
Recessed countersunk flat head screws 7045 7687 7985 4.8 M1.6 / M10
Recessed countersunk flat head screws 7046 7688 965 4.8 M2 / M8
Recessed raised countersunk oval head screws 7047 7689 966 4.8 M2 / M8
Slotted pan head tapping screws 1481 6951 7971 C 15 2.2 / 6.3
Slotted raised countersunk oval tapping screws 1483 6953 7973 C 15 2.2 / 6.3
Recessed countersunk head tapping screws 7050 6955 7982 C 15 2.2 / 6.3
Hexagon socket pipe plugs conical thread - 906 5.8 8-48 / 1/8-2
High-strenght large hexagon nuts for structural engineering 5713 6915 10 HV M12 / M30
Wing nuts 5548 315 8 M3 / M16
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